FranU continues monitoring upcoming weather conditions in the Baton Rouge region. The area will be under an enhanced risk for severe weather including wintery precipitation resulting in hazardous road conditions and power outages beginning Monday January 20.
As a result, FranU will implement remote operations on Tuesday, January 21.
We will continue to share updates as they become available. Please check your FranU email for more information.

ANES 7800

  1. Academics
  2. Courses
  3. ANES 7800

DNP Project

The DNP scholarly project demonstrates mastery of the DNP curricular content. The scholarly project demonstrates the student's ability to identify a practice or system related problem through clinical immersion, synthesize and clinically appraise the evidence related to addressing that practice problem, negotiate within the system to implement sustainable evidence-based change within an, implement that change, and systematically measure the results of the practice or system related change initiative. The DNP scholarly project documents outcomes of the student's educational experiences, and summarizes the student's growth in knowledge and expertise.

Credit Hours
3 - Variable (1-3) per semester
Additional Prerequisites

Admission to the DNP-NA program

School of Nursing