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Welcome to the University Library & Library Commons. Here, you can check out books, use the computers, do research, study, use the reserve collection, have lunch or just take a break between classes. Our staff are here to assist you with your information needs.
The Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University Library is committed to providing quality information and learning resources and services in supporting the overall mission of Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University and its commitment to lifelong learning. The University Library supports Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University's education program by:
In an effort to provide expanded access to information, the Library provides interlibrary loan for all students, staff and faculty. The purpose of the interlibrary loan service is to locate and obtain documents from other libraries to lend to Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University students and faculty. Requests for interlibrary loan may be made by calling the circulation desk or emailing the University Library at
Request forms can be obtained at the new Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery office in the Library Commons. A copy of the form is also available below to print. Just fill out the top section of the form. Citation information must be attached to or written on the form. If you are emailing a request, please include all information that you would on the request form, along with the citation information.
Interlibrary loan requests are processed Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 12 PM. The University Library makes all efforts to process requests within 2 business days of receipt. No requests will be processed on weekends or days that the Library is closed. Delivery time can take 1 day to 2 weeks for articles and 2 or more weeks for books (book delivery time varies greatly). Please plan on at least a 1 week minimum for articles and 2 week minimum for books.
Fill out our online form to locate and obtain documents from other libraries today!
Interlibrary Loan Request Form - Submit by email (save PDF and attach) or print and drop off to the Library. Please include citations for requested items in the body of the email when emailing the form. Please attach citations to the form when dropping off in the Library.
The University Library is committed to developing and maintaining an instructional support collection, both in print and electronic media, to support the University's educational, research and public service programs. The Library's collection and services reflect both the curricula and the general informational needs of the academic community. Requests for materials can be made using the Library Resource Request form below. The form can be brought to the circulation desk or emailed to
This useful service is being offered by the University Library. Students, faculty & staff can contact the Library by email, phone or instant message with their reference or general information questions. For instant messaging, just check the online/offline status on any of our Chat Messengers. If we're online, type your question into the text box and hit the enter key.
Main Library Phone: 225-526-1730
Library Commons Phone: 225-526-1657