1. Graduation Day FAQs

Graduation Day FAQs

Is attendance at Graduation mandatory?

The administration, faculty and staff of Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University strongly encourage all graduates to attend the ceremony as a way to celebrate this special achievement. If you choose not to attend the ceremony, you are still required to complete certain steps such as verifying your name and address with the Registrar and paying any outstanding fees with the Bursar’s office (i.e., the Graduation fee).

What do I need to bring with me on Graduation Day?

Is there a rehearsal for the Graduation ceremony?

When do I receive my cap and gown? When do I pay for them?

What is the Graduation fee? How do I pay?

If I am not planning to attend Graduation, am I required to pay the Graduation fee?

When and how do I receive my diploma?

Who do I contact to verify the name on my diploma or to make changes?