MHCA 6615

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  2. Courses
  3. MHCA 6615

Applied Project

The Masters Applied Project is scheduled for the final semester and consequently viewed as the final assessment component of the MHA program. Project supervision is conducted individually with the instructor and possibly other faculty members, depending on the project. In addition to writing the Masters Applied Project, the student is expected to make a public presentation during which s/he presents and defends her/his research results. When a student completes all the degree course subjects and the Masters project, s/he is eligible for graduation. This course requires the student to conduct and prepare the written Applied Project under the supervision of a faculty committee. The Applied Project is written in traditional academic style. In addition, the Applied Project must be article-ready, but it is not required to be accepted for publication. The student will prepare the paper in a peer-reviewed journal article manuscript format. The student must complete an oral defense of the Applied Project. The student must maintain continuous enrollment in MHCA 6615 until the requirements are completed and the Applied Project is approved by the Program Director and/or other related faculty members. This course may be repeated for credit. This course may be delivered in a blended or online format.

Credit Hours
Additional Prerequisites

Successful completion of all foundational MHA coursework or program director approval.

School of Arts & Sciences