Letter from the President: June 16, 2020

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  2. Letter from the President: June 16, 2020
Letter from the Pres 01
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Dear Frans,

I’m very happy to welcome you to the summer semester at FranU, and I look forward to seeing you in person soon. I know that some of you are attending summer classes while others will re-join us in August for the fall semester. Those of you who are with us this summer are well aware that classes are being conducted largely on-line, with face to face classes being held for selected simulations, labs and clinical experiences. Fall classes will begin as scheduled on August 17.

Many thanks for your patience in understanding the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19. Please note that the academic calendar stands as published, with summer classes concluding on July 25, and fall semester classes running from August 17 through December 5. While the academic calendar currently remains stable, the modes of delivery of certain courses, however, will depend upon requirements for social distancing.

Given the fluidity of the pandemic, FranU has developed plans for a phased transition to on-campus classes and operations. The specific transition phase under which we will be operating depends upon federal, state and local regulations in place at the time. So some classes may be conducted virtually while some may be conducted in face to face classrooms modified for ensuring safety. You have already received relevant information from our Provost, Br. Ed Violett, and you will receive further information from other University officials regarding important details such as screenings, the use of masks, sign-ins and other precautionary measures.

As you know, a Franciscan education is based in relationships, and regardless of our mode of interaction, be assured that we will continue to develop the kind of Franciscan relationships that result in a meaningful and purposeful education. Your choice to stay focused and engaged represents your commitment to preparing yourself for a promising future of service and leadership, just as we are committed to the University’s mission to “educate and form Franciscan Servant leaders of all faiths.”

We’ll see you again soon.

Be well.


Tina S. Holland

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