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All students born after 1956 enrolling for the first time at Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University must furnish proof of immunization for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). All students are required to provide proof of tetanus and diphtheria (TD) vaccination within the past ten years regardless of age.
Students will not be allowed to complete registration unless they have furnished proof to the University that they have satisfied the immunization requirement. That requirement can be met either by furnishing proof of immunity or by signing a waiver claiming exemption from the immunization policy. These options are described below.
Your proof of immunizations must be a record from a physician, public health clinic, or other health care provider showing:
A copy of a “shot” record provided by a clinic or health care provider is satisfactory.
Waiver from Immunization Requirement. You must indicate which vaccine you wish to waive. If you have a medical reason for not being immunized, you must submit evidence from your physician for review. If you have a religious reason for not being immunized, you must submit a statement from your faith leader for review. You may also claim exemption for personal reasons by submitting a statement for review. If you are not 18 years of age, a request for exemption must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. Persons who sign a waiver will be permitted to complete the registration process. If you claim exemption from any immunization requirement for medical, personal, or religious reasons, the University will require you to leave the campus and will exclude you from class in the event of an outbreak of the communicable disease indicated in your exemption request. You will not be permitted back on campus or in class until the outbreak is over or until you submit proof of adequate immunization. Please be advised that not being vaccinated could affect your clinical placement and delay your program progression and graduation.
Please see the Student Health page of the University website for Frequently Asked Questions about immunization compliance.