Spring 2016 Honor Roll

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  2. Spring 2016 Honor Roll

Congratulations to our students who made the Spring 2016 semester Deans’ and President’s lists for outstanding academic work.

While we congratulate all students on their excellent academic performance, please note that there are guidelines that we follow to determine which students are listed on the honor roll. Eligibility guidelines are as follows:

President’s List- 12 or more credit hours with a semester GPA of 4.00
Dean’s List- 12 or more credit hours with a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Any student who has a question about their eligibility should contact the Registrar’s Office at 225-490-1602.

2016 Spring President's List

  1. Morgan Atchison
  2. Margaret Ball
  3. Kara Ballard
  4. Barbara Beckham
  5. Sherri Cass
  6. Katie Cazayoux
  7. Robin Chautin
  8. Matthew Clark
  9. Tiffany Cowell
  10. Holly Crochet
  11. Elizabeth Dauer
  12. Lauren David
  13. Taylor Decuir
  14. Michele Dedrick
  15. Jennifer Drouin
  16. Jordan Duhon
  17. Lauren Falgoust
  18. Emily Farnet
  19. Annessa Flowers
  20. Alicia Geiger
  21. Erin Gilbert
  22. Jeffery Green
  23. Bliss Hardy
  24. Emma Hopkins
  25. Jennifer Hymel
  26. Macey Jameson
  27. Kenneth Joffrion
  28. Jazmyn Johnson
  29. Karen Kinder
  30. Sydney Laborde
  31. Chelsea Landry
  32. Lindsey Lobell
  33. Merritt Luneau
  34. Hannah Maier
  35. Ashley Mathis
  36. Brooke McClung
  37. Yasmeen Mohammed
  38. April Morgan
  39. Lara Murray
  40. Nadine Nalerio Choudhry
  41. Carly Pelletier
  42. Megan Pfeifer
  43. Keisha Providence
  44. Troy Prudhomme
  45. Jared Ramsey
  46. Lani Richardson
  47. Whitney Rizzuto
  48. Emily Roth
  49. Emily Salles
  50. Leslie Smith
  51. Brooke Traweek
  52. Lea Walker
  53. Michael Weber
  54. Eric Weber
  55. Marquinta Winding
  56. Sabrina Wood Easterly
  57. Kayla Young

2016 Spring Dean's List

  1. Allyson Achee
  2. Magan Adams
  3. Aubrey Aronstein
  4. Jacqueline Azbill
  5. Bridgette Azoanee
  6. Alexis Beckwith
  7. Jessica Boedecker
  8. Brandie Broussard
  9. Taylor Bush
  10. Erica Caldera
  11. Rebekah Chamberlain
  12. Ashley Chester
  13. Mary Coco
  14. Rachel Conley
  15. Kayla Craft
  16. Adam Crosby
  17. Susan Crosby
  18. Anna Culotta
  19. Elizabeth Dauzat
  20. Austin Demsky
  21. Savanna Deynzer
  22. Kaitlin Douglas
  23. Diana Dunaway
  24. Mary-Kathryn Edwards
  25. Jordan Eppley
  26. Evi Erlinda
  27. Jordan Etheridge
  28. Jimilyn Galloway
  29. Charlie Gandy
  30. Ryan Garcia
  31. Dustin Gary
  32. Tiara George
  33. Amanda Gibson
  34. Taylor Gideon
  35. Cindy Granata
  36. Londyn Grey
  37. Bailie Guidry
  38. Jeri Hebert
  39. Alaynna Hebert
  40. Jason Herrle
  41. Courtney Higgins
  42. Sarah Hooge
  43. Samantha Hoover
  44. Amanda Hunt
  45. Ashley Hurst
  46. Kristen Jarreau
  47. Ellen Jennings
  48. Nathaniel Johnson
  49. Hannah Jones
  50. Mechelle Kelley
  51. Katy Kelly
  52. Laila Khamphoumy
  53. Denton Kirby
  54. Travis Lambert
  55. Emily Landry
  56. Whitney Leblanc
  57. William Leblanc
  58. Qianqian Liu
  59. Samantha Marshall
  60. Mayra Mattia
  61. Mallory Maynard
  62. Bready McClendon
  63. Leslie Melancon
  64. Kay Melancon
  65. Sara Miller
  66. Mallory Millet
  67. Gloria Minor
  68. Yvette Molina
  69. Atifa Naeem
  70. Tien Nguyen
  71. Mallory Obrien
  72. Meghan Odom
  73. Faith Olivera
  74. Julianna Parker
  75. Kelley Parrino
  76. Nyeisha Philson
  77. Paige Pizzo
  78. Shereen Richard
  79. Sandra Richards
  80. Kasey Rimkus
  81. Olivia Robertson
  82. Autumn Rounds
  83. Amanda Sanchez
  84. Adrianne Saucier
  85. Rick Schenck, Jr.
  86. Jonathan Schoen
  87. Karen Schugeld
  88. Annie Shocket
  89. Jolynne Shreve
  90. Brandon Simmons
  91. Lisa Smith
  92. Kourtni Smith
  93. Laurel Smith
  94. Heather Smith
  95. Amanda Sprehe
  96. Victoria Stein
  97. Katherine Stewart
  98. Haley Stone
  99. Allison Taylor
  100. Lorne Velasquez
  101. Daniel Verret
  102. Alicia Vick
  103. Brandi Waguespack
  104. Yuping Wang
  105. Megan Wells
  106. Kalli White
  107. Kenisha Whitley
  108. Dwan Wilson
  109. Robert Wingert
  110. Ashley Woods
  111. Ying Xiao

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