In addition to existing academic policies concerning academic integrity, students attending a distance learning course need to follow policies and procedures that apply to distance learning courses. This may include the need to complete online exam(s) in a proctored setting. The student is responsible for ensuring that they have the necessary computer hardware, software, and Internet connectivity necessary for the completion of the examination. Students must check the course site within the Learning Management System (LMS) to determine if any special software is needed.
Faculty will provide advance online exercises to determine that students do have appropriate access to and the technical capacity for completing the examination.
Students should check both WebServices and the course syllabus within the LMS for information regarding the need to take proctored exams. If the faculty member requires proctored exams, it should be clearly stated. Proctoring options are as follows:
The faculty member may establish a specific date, time, and classroom for students to come to the University and complete the exam with the faculty member or a designated employee within their Academic Unit. This information should be conveyed to students clearly and well before the exam date.
The student may secure suitable proctoring for the exam in accordance with the University’s exam proctoring protocol for online courses (See below).
Finding a Qualified Proctor
When a proctor is required, the student is responsible for securing a qualified proctor to administer each exam and submitting the proctored exam form. The proctor must be a teacher, professor, or administrator in a nearby high school, college, university, library or testing center. Any fees incurred are the student’s responsibility. Family members, friends or co-workers may not proctor exams for students.
Submitting the Proctored Exam Form
Before submitting the form, students must secure a qualified proctor with whom they have arranged the date, time, and location for their exam. Students must complete and submit a proctored exam form for each exam, even if they use the same proctor. The proctored exam form is located in the Student Documents in myPortal under Educational Technology. The form must be submitted to the faculty member via University email or as specified in the course syllabus no later than one week prior to the exam date. Students who do not submit proctored exam forms or who submit their forms late may forfeit the opportunity to take their exam and will be subject to faculty or departmental make-up policies. Students and proctors will receive an email confirmation from the faculty member upon acceptance of the proctored exam form. If confirmation is not received within 24 hours of the exam, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the faculty member for clarification or confirmation.
Proctored Exam Approval and Procedures
Exam materials will be made available to proctors via a password-protected, secure website from noon Central Standard Time (CST) the day before the exam until midnight CST on the exam day. The faculty member is responsible for providing this access.
Students must complete exams no later than the date and time specified within the course syllabus. In the case of paper and pencil examinations, proctors are responsible for returning all exam materials by fax or email immediately following completion of the exam. Detailed instructions—including the secure web address, fax number, and return e-mail address—will be included in the e-mail sent to proctors shortly before the date of the exam.
If students or proctors do not follow the exam procedures, the exam may be forfeited.
The student may take the exam online and proctored by ProctorU at designated dates and times specified by the faculty.
Requirements and Cost
Online exams taken via ProctorU require a computer with a webcam and microphone for visual and audio proctoring by a trained proctor and will involve a cost to the student which must be paid online via credit/debit card at the time of the exam.
Students are to provide a copy of the completed form and the proctor responsibilities outlined below to their proctor.
Proctor Responsibilities